By Pem McNerney on August 1, 2010
Stephanie Leary, the author of the recently released Beginning WordPress 3.0, began using WordPress in 2004 when it was known for its easy-to-use blogging capabilities for smaller sites. Lately, it has been gaining a reputation for being powerful enough to run larger sites and large collections of networked sites. Leary, who works as a web […]
Posted in Blogging, CMS, Content, Drupal, WordPress | Tagged blogs, Content, WordPress
By Pem McNerney on July 18, 2010
As someone who constantly recommends the WordPress publishing platform, I’m also intrigued by other blogging platforms, particularly those that promise to be easy to use for non-technical content creators. A recent article from makes the case for Tumblr. The article by Mallary Jean Tenore features Mark Coatney, who used to work at Newsweek and […]
Posted in Blogging, Content, Social Media, Writing
By Pem McNerney on June 13, 2010
Last October, the Federal Trade Commission published a guide on endorsements and testimonials. For bloggers who accept payments or free products, the bottom line is clear. Cash and in-kind payments must be disclosed. The associate director for advertising practices at the Federal Trade Commission, Mary K. Engle, said that the overall idea behind the guidelines […]
Posted in Blogging, Content, Social Media, Writing | Tagged Blogging, Brooklyn Blogfest, J. David Goodman
How to gather information, assess it, and present it in a way readers will understand and appreciate